Just two weeks after the launch of the Connect@Premier initiative, and we’ve already brought you student stories, competitions, podcasts and much more!
Connect@Premier combines the experience and expertise of AAT tutors and students, and includes new resources and features across the Premier Training website and social media channels. Here are some of the highlights so far…
Student Stories: Premier Training AAT student Andy Taras
July Competition: Win a £20 voucher (see our social media channels for more)
Facebook Live: From AAT to ACCA to Chief Financial Officer
Assessment Passes Round-up
And there’s much more to come – look out for the Connect@Premier logo and #ConnectAtPremier hashtag for the latest updates, offers and advice!
Find out more about Connect@Premier through the Premier Training website and social media channels:
Website: www.premiertraining.co.uk
Facebook: AAT.Premier.Training
Instagram: premiertrainingaat
Twitter: Premier_TrainUK
LinkedIn: Premier Training