I would like to thank my teachers for helping me to complete AAT studies.
The teachers were very professional and really helpful. Even though it was distant studying I found the teaching was very effective and I passed all exams with confidence.
However some subjects appeared very hard to me. It was unit 11, writing project,
This is why I would like to say special thanks to my tutor Kay Jones, who helped me overcome the hurdles and helped me to complete this unit. She was really patient with me and took into consideration my weaknesses and helped me realise my hidden abilities to achieve this very challenging goal.
Although I got my AAT Diploma I am not going to stop studying accountancy, I want to carry on working on my weakness and continue further studies at ACCA.
Just yesterday I received a letter from AAT and found Diploma in Accounting inside the envelope. I was so excited about news that decided to take a photo of me with AAT Diploma in my hands. I am sending this photo to you to share my delight of this achievement with you.